Monday, June 20, 2011

Welcome to the Gingerhood!

Hi. In case you haven't guessed it yet, I'm a "Ginger." Don't know what a "ginger" is? Well, its a term that is used to describe (and in some cases label) someone who has been blessed (yes, I said blessed) with red hair. For a lot of my life I hated the fact that I was a ginger. I've heard all the names:

Carrot top (the first time I heard this one, I was in elementary school)


Hot head

Fire crotch

Red-headed step child

And there's lots more ... but you get the point.

Then, one day, a very, VERY handsome man told me that he loved my hair, thought it was very pretty and very sexy. I laughed. I thought he was crazy. I mean, who REALLY likes a redhead - unless they have some type of fetish, right? As he told me this over and over again, I began to think that maybe it's not such a curse. As I was more accepting of my ginger locks, I began to receive more compliments regarding my hair.

Maybe it isn't so bad to be born a ginger. I know a lot of women who pay good money to have their hair colored so they can join in the Gingerhood!

Thanks for stopping by to visit. I hope you come back soon, and often, to share in the ups and downs of my life as a Ginger - and a wife, and a woman, and a mother, and a grandmother, and a friend, and a writer, and a photographer, and a mental health advocate, and ...

... okay, so I wear a lot of damn hats. It's crazy, but being a Ginger makes all those hats look GREAT on me!

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